Master of Arts in Chaplaincy



42 credit hours

Program Length

as few as 24 months


Nationally Accredited by ATS

Become Equipped to Engage in Chaplaincy Ministry with CIU’s MA in Chaplaincy 

你是否热衷于为工作场所的人们提供精神上的指导和支持? 澳门新葡京网站的牧师硕士课程可以为你提供这样做的技能和知识. 牧师硕士课程为您准备在雇用牧师的组织和企业现场牧师. 

As a chaplain, 你将有机会在工作场所服事人,他们一生中有30%到40%的时间在工作场所. 你将接受教牧培训, caring, comforting, serving, emotional and spiritual support to employees in a variety of work settings. 有十个功能领域可供选择,您可以专注于您最感兴趣的领域. No matter what area you choose, 你将发展一个强大的技能基础,可以对人们的生活产生积极的影响. 在CIU攻读牧师文学硕士学位, 你可以为一份令人满意的职业做准备,这份职业可以让你在不同的地方遇到不同的人,并对他们的生活产生有意义的影响. 

Next online class starts May 6, 2024


澳门新葡京网站, 您将有机会在福音派背景下接受教育,该环境优先考虑由来自各种福音派教派的熟练和支持的教授指导的实践学习经验. These professors are not just experts in their respective fields, but they are also committed to investing in their students' growth and development. 他们会挑战你把你的圣经知识与你个人的属灵培育和实际的事工技能结合起来. 我们的神学院提供了一个信徒社区,分享你对事工和学习的热情, 你将被鼓励去探索你的使命,同时发展将持续一生的关系. 

Overall Benefits of the Degree

If you have a heart for serving others in a chaplaincy role, our M.A. 牧师项目非常适合你. 该课程提供培训,使您能够在各种环境中应用牧师的圣经和神学方面, including pluralistic environments. You will learn methods for practicing the ministry of God’s presence internally, 也是神与他人同在的使者. Through your coursework, 你将发展基本的圣经领导能力和事工技能,展现神的同在, along with evangelistic strategies for bringing others to Christ. 你将配备实用的工具和技术,为他人的情感和精神需求提供照顾, 以及获得与不同信仰背景的人有效沟通的能力. Our experienced faculty, 由不同教派的专家组成的, 他会在每一步都给予你支持和鼓励的同时,帮助你在个人和专业上成长吗. 

Featured Faculty

What Will I Study?

  • CBS 5000 Succeeding in Seminary

    This course prepares you for your studies at Columbia Biblical Seminary. 您将了解反映该机构使命和精神的五个核心价值观. Services and resources available to students will be addressed, as will expectations and guidelines for being successful in seminary. You must complete this course during your first term as a seminary student.

    0.00 credit hours
  • BIB 5112旧约简介

    In this course, you will trace the structure, content, and purpose of the Old Testament Pentateuch and Historical books. 你将确定关键的神学主题,并将这些书的内容与当代基督教信仰和实践联系起来.

    3.00 credit hours
  • BIB 5113旧约简介

    In this course, you will trace the structure, content, 旧约诗歌和先知书的目的. 你将确定关键的神学主题,并将这些书的内容与当代基督教信仰和实践联系起来.

    3.00 credit hours
  • bib5132福音:神提供救赎的方法

    本课程将指导您按时间顺序, 四部福音书的综合研究, emphasizing the time, place, circumstances, 以及参与耶稣事工的人. 福音书的作者叙述了他的生活, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, 上帝指定的世界的救赎主, 谁实现了旧约的应许和预言.

    3.00 credit hours
  • BIB 5133 Acts to Revelation: God's People Proclaiming Redemption Globally

    In this course, 你将学习介绍性背景知识, structure, 和新约书卷的内容, Acts to Revelation, 在他们一世纪的生活背景下理解. The authors of Acts, the letters, 和启示录不仅与早期教会在全球范围内宣讲救赎的进展有关, 但它们也为当代教会提供了规范的宣教文件,指导教会完成基督的使命.

    3.00 credit hours
  • BIB 5410 Hermeneutics

    In this course, 你将根据福音派对圣经的预设和作者的意图,探索和捍卫解释学的原则和过程. 你将运用训诂学的方法来解释旧约和新约中各种圣经体裁的段落,并将它们应用到当代环境中.

    3.00 credit hours
  • ICS 6024 Understanding Cultures & Worldviews

    本课程将使您了解世界观假设,这是一个人的信仰体系和行为模式的基础. 你将从圣经的世界观角度分析一个民族、语言或社会经济群体的文化和世界观. 你也会考虑圣经情境化的元素.

    3.00 credit hours
  • min5300精神形成的基础

    In this course, 您将学习有效生活和事工的基本原则,重点是个人成圣和在相互启发的社区中与他人一起成长.

    3.00 credit hours
  • THE 6310 Theology and Ethics 1

    In this course, 你要查考圣经的教义, God, Christ, and Eschatology, 以及与这些学说相关的伦理原则.

    3.00 credit hours
  • THE 6320 Theology and Ethics 2

    In this course, 你将研究人类学的学说, Soteriology, Pneumatology, and Ecclesiology, 以及与这些学说相关的伦理原则.

    3.00 credit hours
  • chp6100牧师简介

    In this course, 你将探索不同类型的牧师事工, including their commonalities, distinctives, and expectations. 你将发展一个全面的牧师神学,并制定一个计划,在你自己的事工环境中使用它.

    3.00 credit hours
  • chp6060临床教牧教育

    临床教牧教育(CPE)是一种牧师或咨询实习的形式,你通过动手实践来学习, clinical supervision, and academic study to observe, listen, communicate, 回应别人的精神和情感需求. In CPE training, you will gain the knowledge, skills, and practical experience to assist people in crisis with competence and confidence. CPE can be completed in a resident or distance-learning environment. You have the option of completing one unit of CPE (3 semester hours) or two half-units (1.5个学时)达到毕业要求. 需要项目主管的许可.

    3.00 credit hours
For a comprehensive list of courses related to this program visit the Academic Catalog.

Admission Requirements

  • completed application
  • 确认你是基督徒并同意CIU的观点 Statement of Faith
  • 已完成学士学位的正式成绩单 * +
  • 任何研究生水平课程的正式成绩单 +
  • essay (approximately 800 words)
  • church leader reference
  • * 如果你没有完成本科学士学位, you can still potentially apply for admission in accordance with CIU’s Non-Baccalaureate Policy.
  • + 如果你曾在美国以外的学校就读, 你的成绩单必须经过验证 World Education Services.


  • 提交下列标准化英语考试成绩之一:
  • completed educational background form (provided after application submission)
  • financial certification of funds form (provided after application submission)

Accreditation and Accolades

SACSCOC (The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges)

Career Path Opportunities

In our ever-changing world, ministry must meet people where they are — the workplace. 这就是牧师艺术硕士发挥作用的地方. 

牧师集中将培训您在雇用牧师的组织和企业现场牧师. Chaplains minister and go to where people spend 30% to 40% of their lives — at work. 牧师帮助确保员工的工作时间不缺乏精神上的指导和支持. 

You can specialize in one of the 10 functional areas of chaplaincy. No matter which area you choose, you will develop a foundation of skills to perform the pastoral, caring, comforting, serving, 情感和精神角色,帮助人们生活得更快乐, healthier lives: 

  • Healthcare Chaplaincy
  • Military Chaplaincy
  • Corporate Chaplaincy
  • Institutional (prison) Chaplaincy
  • 公共安全(警察、消防、紧急医疗服务)牧师
  • Sports Chaplaincy
  • Community Chaplaincy
  • Disaster Relief Chaplaincy
  • Educational Chaplaincy
  • Recreational Chaplaincy

Top FAQs

拥有M学位会有什么样的职业机会.A. in Chaplaincy?


  • 在大型医疗中心照顾病人或在退伍军人管理医院照顾退伍军人
  • 作为随军牧师为世界各地的军事人员及其家属服务, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Air Force, Space Force)
  • Ministering in a local jail, juvenile hall or state/federal prison system
  • 为大学级别的运动队或职业运动队和组织(足球)服务的, baseball, soccer, NASCAR, Athletes in Action)
  • Ministering in a local marketplace with major corporations or businesses
  • Discipling students in educational programs at colleges and universities
  • Ministering to police officers, sheriff deputies, fire and EMS personnel
  • Ministering on a cruise ship, to passengers at airports or at national park through recreational chaplaincy
  • Responding to a natural disaster as a member of a disaster relief team
  • Care and comfort to the indigent and homeless through a local community mission program.

Our M.A. in Chaplaincy program is fully available either residentially or online. 所有必修课程都以两种格式提供.

As a residential student, you will benefit from close interaction with professors and other students, building relationships that can support you for a lifetime of ministry. 课程是围绕块时间表设计的, which gives you flexibility if you are working or serving in ministry while taking courses. Residential students have the option to take courses online if they wish.

As an online student, 您将受益于在有意学习社区的背景下促进学习的课程. We recognize that not everyone can uproot themselves and move to seminary. 因此,我们所有的课程都是异步的. This allows you to continue working and serving where you are located while taking courses. At the same time, 你将有机会与你的教授和同学进行定期的在线会议, if you so desire.

How long does it take?

住宿课程遵循16周的学期形式, 每个日历年有两个学期(秋季和春季). Thus, residential students can complete this program in about two years (full time, taking three courses per semester) or in about five years (part time, taking two courses per semester).

在线课程的教学周期为八周, 每个日历年有六个学期(春季), Spring 2, Summer 1, Summer 2, Fall 1, Fall 2). Online students can complete this program in about two years (full time, taking two courses per online term) or in about four years (part time, taking one course per online term).


When can I start this program?

住宿课程遵循16周的学期形式 and have two starts every year. The spring semester begins in January and the fall semester begins in August, 每学期之间都有一个暑假.

在线课程的教学周期为八周 and have six starts each year. Every eight weeks is a new start, 这意味着每年春季有两个在线学期, summer and fall.

How much does it cost?

Visit the Tuition and Fees 有关成本的详细信息.

Am I provided with Bible software?

Yes, 在你注册第一门课程的时候, you will receive a professional-level copy of Accordance Bible Software, 为你在哥伦比亚圣经神学院的学习定制的. 毕业后你可以留着它.


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